Access to taxonomic treatments mentioned in press releases Jan 14, 2022 Result of an experiment to test how easy it is to locate the original taxonomic treatments of species mentioned in press releases more
New Species of 2021 Dec 22, 2021 Here we present a small selection of 12 spectacular species that were newly discovered in 2021 with links to their complete taxonomic treatment. more
Annotating genes sequences with data from herbarium sheets and publications Nov 11, 2021 A report on a workshop on updating accession with specimen-data from publications more
Behind New Species Swiss-Made Nov 05, 2021 Selection of the species of the year by the Swiss Systematics Society more
Liberating material citations as a 1st step to better data Oct 23, 2021 This is part of a series of posts explaining the data extracted and liberated by Plazi more
MaterialCitation accepted as a new TDWG Darwin Core standard Oct 18, 2021 Plazi-submitted term “materialCitation” has been acceped as a TDWG Darwin Core standard more
BHL and Plazi partnership Jun 14, 2021 BHL and Plazi will collaborate to create a workflow from existing literature to liberate digital accessible data to its reuse in GBIF... more
The digital age and the tragedy of not knowing what we know about biodiversity May 11, 2021 One of the big challenges in biology - how many species are on planet Earth, where do they live and what do they do - is increasingly relevant... more
materialCitation as a new class submitted to TDWG Darwin Core standard Apr 12, 2021 Plazi submitted a new term “materialCitation” for dicussion for an eventual inclusion in the TDWG Darwin Core standard... more