Three presentations at the Brazilian Meeting of Ichthyology

Conference: XXV Encontro Brasileiro de Ictiologia (EBI) – XXV Brazilian Meeting of Ichthyology
Location: Palmas – Tocantins - Brazil
Date and Time: 26 Jan 2025, 12:00 PM UTC

Neotropical Ichthyology e Zootaxa: Análise de Dados Liberados e Disponibilizados em Repositórios Online

(Neotropical Ichthyology and Zootaxa: Analysis of Data Released and Made Available in Online Repositories — Poster)

Espécies Ameaçadas de Peixes do Bioma Pampa: Livre Acesso às Descrições Originais em Repositórios de Dados Online

(Endangered Fish Species of the Pampa Biome: Open Access to Original Descriptions in Online Data Repositories — Oral Communication)

A Taxonomia Integrada aos Meios Digitais: como facilitar o acesso e a reutilização de dados taxonômicos pela comunidade científica

(Integrating Taxonomy to Digital Media: how to facilitate access and reuse of taxonomic data by the scientific community — Course)

Presenter: Julia Giora, Juliana M. Wingert

The conservation of aquatic ecosystems in Brazil has been marked by challenges arising from a range of factors, which directly impact biodiversity and the sustainability of water resources. In this context, the main objective of the XXV EBI is to bring together experts from different areas of ichthyology to promote a comprehensive discussion on the conservation of aquatic ecosystems in face of the rapid degradation occurring from the Anthropocene. The meeting aims to stimulate multidisciplinary discussion between Academia, Companies and Public Authorities, on the contribution of ichthyology to social and environmental well-being, as well as to encourage discussions about innovative practices and more sustainable enterprises.

Plazi will be participating in EBI teaching the course “Integrating Taxonomy to Digital Media: how to facilitate access and reuse of taxonomic data by the scientific community” where participants will have a theoretical-practical experience on FAIR data, releasing data from scientific publications, and search in open access repositories. In addition, Plazi will make an oral communication presenting the results of a project developed by its data analysts entitled “Endangered Fish Species of the Pampa Biome: Open Access to Original Descriptions in Online Data Repositories”, and will present in poster format a showcase comparison of the numbers of articles, treatments and materials citations from an open access and a closed access journal’s publications extracted and made available in online data repositories by Plazi - “Neotropical Ichthyology and Zootaxa: Analysis of Data Released and Made Available in Online Repositories”.