Treatment Bank

Data and Statistics

Tools to analyze and mine data in TreatmentBank at article and treatment level. more

Desktop data mining and extraction

The GoldenGATE Document Editor is a visual editor for marking up documents in XML. It is designed to do most of the markup automatically. more


An analysis and mining tool for the data contained in TreatmentBank more


TreatmentBank is a service to liberate data from scholarly publications and disseminate it as FAIR data more


TreatmentBank is a resource that stores and provides access to the treatements and data therein. more

Visualization Tools

A taxonomic treatment is a well-defined part of an article describing a scientific name by an author at the time of the publication. more

What is a Treatment?

A taxonomic treatment is a well-defined part of an article describing a scientific name by an author at the time of the publication. more